Before we dive into this subject, I would like to mention that there are plenty of women out there who are very open to the idea of sex on the first date. The days where you had to propose to a woman and marry her before you have sex are practically over. The dynamics of the society have changed completely, and it’s not necessary to be in a relationship to get laid. Many women are open to the idea of enjoying themselves in life, getting fucked for fun, mixing relationships, changing partners until they find the perfect guy. What I’m saying in a nutshell is, it has never been easier to get laid as you will find out by the end of this piece.
There are hundreds of sites out there claiming to give you advice on how to get laid, but none will quite offer you the tips I will offer you. Personally, I used to be that guy who used to watch his friends get laid like every day, and I kept wondering what I was doing wrong. I have since transformed myself into someone who can get laid without breaking a sweat, and if you follow my lead, you will be giving a similar testimony.
What exactly do you need to do to get laid?
1. Be a womanThis is the first thing.
This does not mean that men don’t get laid, it simply means it is easier for a woman to get someone to shag her. As a man, you have to work hard for a spot between a woman’s legs. If you are a man, this point is clearly not for you.
2. Avoiding the “good girls”
Every woman has a “wild” version of themselves. Even the good and nerdy girls sometimes enjoy some strong and rough sex, but only with the right guy. Some girls are however wilder than others and are more open to trying things. These are the girls you should be focusing on. 100%. The good girls are likely going to demand a lot of things from you before you even get a kiss and that is so annoying and many guys have no patience for this. What you need to do is look out for the ‘wilder’ girls before you even make a move.
A woman has different phases in her life. There is the phase where she just wants to have fun and have sex with different people, and then there is the phase where she is strictly looking for a serious relationship. Don’t waste your time on the girl looking for a serious relationship if your mission is to get laid. You can cross out the time wasters by saying something sexual (without exaggerating of course) immediately you meet a girl . This can be done through nonverbal communication or by saying something raunchy. Her reaction will tell you everything you need to know.
3. The boring factor
If you have been wondering why lately you haven’t gotten laid or no woman is interested in you, it’s probably because you bore the hell out of them. Girls are more attracted to guys whose lives don’t revolve around providing food, shelter, and sex. You’ve got to have some vibe going. Knowledge about music might get you something interesting to talk about beyond responsibilities and sex. I wouldn’t talk about sports because not many women watch sports. If you are the type of guy that simply goes to work and then goes out to look to get laid, the problem lies with the person looking back at you in the mirror. Get your act together before you end up in the fap zone for like forever. Trust me…I been there and it’s not simple to get out of this.
4. You need to know what battle to choose
You are in a bar, and there is this hot smoking looking model who is keeping all to herself or is only talking to her model friends. Your only opportunity to approach her is when she is visiting the washrooms. Her cocktail costs more than what you earn in an hour. My advice? Stay the hell away from that girl. She will NOT sleep with you. The secret to getting laid is learning to choose the right battles. Target the friendly, approachable, and fun-havers. Trust me; you don’t want to waste your time on a hot model who gets approached by hundreds of guys and she’s probably just looking for a man to pay all her bills.
5. Be nice
Honesty can take you places as far as fitting your genitals into those of someone else is concerned. During my high school days, my teacher always told us that if you have a question, chances are there is another person in the same class with a similar question, so, ask your question. If you are having a good time and you are feeling the urge to lay that girl, chances are she is feeling the same too. Invite the girl to your home. Perhaps ask her if you can cook dinner for her (brag that you are an excellent cook) and have a few glasses of wine. Just be honest about it do not to freak her out. You’ll be lifting that skirt faster than a snowball will melt in a fire.
6. Be yourself
Maybe you don’t know this, but people have the ability to detect fakery and they absolutely detest this. It’s ok to talk some bullshit and throw a few lies here and there but don’t exaggerate and don’t be too fake. Sometimes the person who will sleep with you is the person who likes you and one who you like in return because of the openness and the shared interests the two of you have. Don’t approach a woman and tell her you are Russel Crowe. Nobody wants to sleep with someone stinking fakery from a mile away.
7. You will need to spend some cash
Women always mention they are independent and self-sufficient and all that bullshit. Don’t let them deceive you. No woman wants to sleep with a stingy cheap bastard. If you are the type that talks about splitting the bill, you may as well forget about getting laid. You have to be ready to pay for those drinks, at least on the first date. It’s a small investment. Women like being around men who value them and make them feel wanted. Paying for her drinks or her cab may be the thing that gets her to open her legs for you.