Does a woman only think and focuses on her partner during sex? That’s a good question that people have been asking lately. According to a new study of scientists from the US, among women and men of 21+ of age, has revealed couples’ habits when it comes to sexual fantasies. The research concluded that 50% of women think about another man during sex with their current partner. The sex toy brand Lovehoney received the same results from a survey they did among 1000 people. About 60% of them said that they think of someone else when they are with a guy. They mostly think of the guy who gave them the best orgasm or someone they loved in the past. A lot of them also think of a hot co worker or some sexy male model or someone who they met in the past who perhaps had a big dick.

So for you guys reading this right now, it’s very important that you please your girl well. This way she will have this moment stuck in her head and it will be a fresh memory for her.
For men wondering if women flirt with an employee during a business trip: Such an imaginary sex with a colleague takes place mostly in cases when some of his actions impress her. For example, if he performed some amazing act on the corporate level that was really a surprise for her, he became a defender to the authorities, etc etc. At the same time the girl may not remember it yet but her brain fixes such a moment and she begins to fantasize about the object of her passion.
Guys do pretty much the same. I am sure it happened to you that you were in bed with a woman, she wasn’t performing well so you had to think about an old girlfriend or pornstar or cam girl to keep yourself excited right? So it pretty much works both ways, men and women.
If that happens, you will probably won’t see that girl anymore and move forward to the next one. Women will do exactly the same thing.